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Człowiek. Ćwiczenie 6Wysłuchaj dialogu i uzupełnij brakujące słowa.
DID YOU LOSE ANYTHING EXPENSIVE? POLICEMAN: Good afternoon, can I help you? SANDRA: Yes. I’ve been mugged. POLICEMAN: I see. What’s your name and [1] surname? SANDRA: Sandra Ochojska. That’s S-A-N-D-R-A O-C-H-O-J-S-K-A. POLICEMAN: Thank you. What’s your [2] nationality? SANDRA: I’m Polish, but I live and work here in London. POLICEMAN: When and where did it happen? SANDRA: I was on my way to work. It was around eight a.m. I was mugged by a masked man, almost in front of the Shard. I’m still trembling... POLICEMAN: Please don’t worry, you’re safe now. Can you describe that man? Was he tall? SANDRA: No, not at all. He was very [3] short, 150 centimeters at the most. POLICEMAN: Did he look strong? SANDRA: Strangely, no. He was almost [4] skinny like he was starved. POLICEMAN: Can you describe his clothes? SANDRA: Well, I didn’t notice too much, but he was wearing dark [5] casual clothes, like jeans and a blouse, dark glasses, a green cap... Oh, and he was wearing latex [6] gloves, probably not to leave any fingerprints. POLICEMAN: Did you lose anything expensive? SANDRA: Not so much, but he did steal my little leather [7] purse, I had my documents and a little money in it. Człowiek. Ćwiczenie 8Wysłuchaj dialogu i uzupełnij luki. Odpowiedz na pytanie.
EMOTIONS AND FEELINGS INTERVIEWER: Today, we have Jerry Smith with us. We’re going to talk about feelings and emotions. Good afternoon Jerry. I’m glad you’re here. I’ve got a couple of [1] questions for you. PSYCHOLOGIST: I’ll be happy to answer them. INTERVIEWER: People talk a lot about emotions and feelings. Why do we have two words? Are feelings and emotions the [2] same thing? PSYCHOLOGIST: No, they’re not. We often use the words as synonyms, but they’re not synonyms in fact. Emotions describe physiological states and are generated subconsciously. They’re just there. By contrast, feelings are subjective [3] experiences of emotions and are driven by conscious thoughts and reflections. INTERVIEWER: What do you [4] mean? Give an example. PSYCHOLOGIST: Well, anxiety is an example of feeling, but people become anxious for different reasons. For instance, they can be sad because they [5] failed an exam, and that makes them anxious. INTERVIEWER: So what kind of emotions do we have? PSYCHOLOGIST: There are different theories, but most scientists agree on six basic emotions: fear, anger, joy, [6] sadness, disgust, and surprise. INTERVIEWER: OK and why do we have emotions at all? Is logic not enough? PSYCHOLOGIST: No, apparently, it’s not. Emotions help us survive. If you face a [7] danger, fear is really helpful. You just run away instead of logically considering what you should do. Your chances of survival increase. INTERVIEWER: Can you give other examples when emotions are useful? PSYCHOLOGIST: Certainly. Emotions motivate you to act. If you face a nerve-wracking exam, you feel fear. As a result, you have the [8] motivation to study. INTERVIEWER: Right. Can you think of a situation when emotions are actually in the way or useless? PSYCHOLOGIST: You mean the power of pure logic? INTERVIEWER: Yes, I do. PSYCHOLOGIST: Well, it doesn’t work like that. Logic and emotions go hand in hand. We’re not machines. Emotions are [9] important for us and so is logic. INTERVIEWER: I don’t understand. What do you mean? PSYCHOLOGIST: When you take decisions, for instance, why should you use common sense only? Your emotional response is important as well. You need to feel good with your decision. Even in situations where you [10] believe your decisions are guided purely by logic and rationality, emotions play a key role. INTERVIEWER: I see. Thanks for sharing your knowledge with us. Psychologist: I’m glad I could help. Dom. Ćwiczenie 6Wysłuchaj dialogu i uzupełnij brakujące słowa.
VACANT ROOM Landlord: Good afternoon, can I help you? Tom: Yes. I’m looking for [1] accommodation. I’d like to [2] rent a room in your house. Landlord: I see. I do have one vacant room if you’re interested. Tom: Wonderful. Could I see it? Landlord: Of course. Follow me, please. It’s on the first [3] floor, and you have to take these stairs to get there… Here we are. As you can see, it’s fully [4] furnished, so you don’t need to bring a bed or desk – everything is already there. Tom: Oh, I can see it has a [5] balcony. Can I use it? Landlord: Of course, whenever you need some fresh air or want to get a tan, you can step out there. Tom: I’m interested. How much is the [6] rent? And how do I pay it? Landlord: It’s £500 [7] per month, so you don’t have to worry about weekly payments. Tom: Excellent. Szkoła. Ćwiczenie 4Wpisz słowa podane w nawiasach we właściwej formie. Wysłuchaj nagrania i sprawdź swoje odpowiedzi.
THEY COULD SEE I WAS STRUGGLING INTERVIEWER: Jerry, was school really so hard for you? JERRY: Oh, definitely. In the beginning, it was a nightmare. I had learning [1] difficulties and my reading was slow. Also, it was hard for me to [2] memorize things. INTERVIEWER: Did they try to help you in any way? JERRY: Yes, they did. I mean they could see I was struggling. But you know, school is like a factory. They don’t approach you [3] individually. There’s no time for that. INTERVIEWER: So what happened? JERRY: Well, one teacher, her name was Mary Hopkins, saw I was good at dancing. She sent me to an educational [4] psychologist. You see the lady tested me in many different ways, and finally said I was [5] dyslectic but very talented in [6] artistic areas. She suggested sending me to drama classes. INTERVIEWER: Did you enjoy the classes? JERRY: I loved it there. Finally, I was able to display my talents. Also, my teachers became more [7] understanding, and I graduated without any major problems. I’m an [8] actor and dancer now. INTERVIEWER: Good for you. Szkoła. Ćwiczenie 8Wysłuchaj dialogu i uzupełnij brakujące słowa.
HE SURE LOOKS ATHLETIC! CATHY: Hey, Susan! You look worried, girl! SUSAN: Hi. Yes. I am looking for Peter. Have you seen him? CATHY: Why? I saw him about 20 minutes ago. He’d just finished his class in the [1] computer lab, grabbed his laptop and went to the [2] gym to „pump some iron” as he said. SUSAN: Oh, I just lent him my Maths books, both the [3] coursebook and [4] workbook, you know, and I just need them back yesterday. Anyway, thanks. CATHY: In case you don’t find him there, try the [5] office. He said the secretary wanted him to sign some papers. SUSAN: I will, cheers. By the way, have you seen the new [6] P.E. teacher yet? He sure looks athletic! I heard he’d won some medals in volleyball and football. I’m sure he’ll make good players of us in no time! CATHY: I have. And he’s handsome, too. SUSAN: Sure. That’s a nice change after that old troll Jenkins. CATHY: Now, you’re being mean, Jenkins wasn’t so bad. Anyway, I’m off to the [7] dormitory. School’s over for today and I have some [8] homework in social studies to do before going to the movies tonight. Praca. Ćwiczenie 10Wysłuchaj nagrania i uzupełnij zdania. Wpisz w każdą lukę maksymalnie cztery słowa.
I KNOW NOW THAT POINTING FINGERS DOESN’T HELP INTERVIEWER: Good morning, Ms. Olsen. Please, take a seat. MS. OLSEN: Good morning. INTERVIEWER: How did you hear about this position? MS. OLSEN: I used to work with Jason Moll at Koala Reds. He’s been working with you for several years now, and I met him over coffee, and he recommended the job to me. INTERVIEWER: I see. Could you tell me who you work for at the moment? MS. OLSEN: Certainly. I’m still working for Chestnut Browns. INTERVIEWER: How long have you been working for them? MS. OLSEN: I’ve been working for CB for the past six years. INTERVIEWER: And why are you leaving your job? MS. OLSEN: Well, to be honest, I feel that I can’t use all my skills in my current job. The position you offer gives such opportunities. INTERVIEWER: What type of work environment do you prefer? MS. OLSEN: I like fast-paced work environments because they make me feel like I’m always learning and growing. INTERVIEWER: Do you prefer working independently or on a team? MS. OLSEN: I find I do some of my best work when I can focus alone in a quiet space, I mean when I have some problem to solve, but I really value collaborating with my teammates. INTERVIEWER: Well, this job requires a lot of travel. Is that a problem for you? MS. OLSEN: No, that’s not a problem. In fact, I really enjoy travelling, and I don’t have a family to look after. INTERVIEWER: Can you tell us about your goals for the future? MS. OLSEN: Well, in the short term, I want to develop my sales skills and gain more experience. In the long term, I’d like to obtain a high position in a growing company, like yours. INTERVIEWER: And tell me, what is your greatest weakness? MS. OLSEN: Well, I tend to wait before I ask for help. I’m working on this, but it’s still hard for me. INTERVIEWER: How do you cope with pressure? MS. OLSEN: I realize stressful situations are always going to come up. I think I get better at it with every new experience. I know now that pointing fingers doesn’t help. I take responsibility for my actions. INTERVIEWER: Thank you. We’ll be in touch. MS. OLSEN: Thank you. Goodbye! Życie rodzinne i towarzyskie. Ćwiczenie 6Wysłuchaj dialogu i uzupełnij brakujące słowa.
ALRIGHT, I PROMISE I’LL DO IT MRS SMITH: Tommy! How many times must I tell you that you should stop watching this stupid tv programmes and [1] tidy up your room! TOMMY: They are not ‘stupid programmes’ mom, they help me revise for my lessons. And my room is clean. MRS SMITH: Oh, really? Well, I don’t know about that. Your carpet badly needs [2] hoovering, all the garbage in the corners should be [3] thrown out at last, your bed has not been [4] made for ages… Need I go on? TOMMY: Alright, I promise I’ll do it. But now I have to study. MRS SMITH: Since when have you become so diligent? TOMMY: Mom, I just want to [5] go out with my friends this Friday. And maybe [6] have a date with Amy on Saturday night. MRS SMITH: Do you now? Well, first do what I told you about your room. And don’t forget to [7] take a shower before you [8] leave. TOMMY: Oh, mum! Żywienie. Ćwiczenie 4Wstaw brakujące fragmenty dialogu. Wysłuchaj nagrania i sprawdź swoje odpowiedzi. Odpowiedz na pytania.
IT’S THE BEST STEW IN THE WORLD AMY: Where would you like to eat? LINDA: It’s your birthday. You choose. AMY: [1] c) Well, to tell you the truth, I like when you cook. You’re an excellent cook but if we go out, we do not have to do the washing up. LINDA: True. Shall we try Thai food. Last week at the Chinese restaurant, we enjoyed sweet and sour pork. I haven’t got a clue how they make it so tasty. [2] e) You see, normally, I’m not a very big fan of pork. AMY: It beats me, too. It was really tasty. And the mapo tofu. It’s so original with the spices. That was last week, though. [3] f) For this evening, Thai cooking is probably a good idea. LINDA: Shall I phone the Thai restaurant and see if they have a table for us? AMY: Yes, please. [4] b) What time suits you? LINDA: I don’t get home from work until 6 p.m., so I think 7 o’clock would be fine. AMY: We’re real foodies, aren’t we? A different restaurant every week. Promise me that next week you will cook. LINDA: Alright. [5] a) What would you like me to cook? AMY: Vegetable and beef stew, of course. It’s the best stew in the world, and you make it like a master chef. LINDA: You like it a lot, don’t you? See you in the evening. AMY: [6] d) See you. I’ll let you know later if they have a table for us. Żywienie. Ćwiczenie 8Wysłuchaj dialogu i uzupełnij brakujące słowa. Wypisz w tabeli wszystkie składniki i czynności wspomniane w dialogu.
PROFESSIONALLY SCRAMBLED EGGS PETER: So, where do I start? ANN: First, make sure you have everything you need. Three eggs, two slices of bacon, a small onion, a little milk, a teaspoon of butter and of course, salt and black pepper. PETER: Got everything. Now what? ANN: You [1] put a frying pan on the burner and [2] add bacon. Let it [3] fry for a moment till it gets dark brown. PETER: OK. Now I add the eggs? ANN: Not so fast. [4] Chop the onion and add it to the bacon. Let them fry together on low gas. PETER: Done. Now the eggs, right? ANN: Now the eggs. But first [5] mix them with milk. PETER: Done. What’s next? ANN: [6] Stir the mixture but not too much. When it’s pretty solid, add a pinch of salt and pepper. And the butter to make it all creamy. PETER: Wow! It wasn’t do difficult after all! ANN: Congratulations! Your first professionally scrambled eggs for breakfast! PETER: Get some bread from the basket and let’s eat. I’m starving. Żywienie. Ćwiczenie 11Wysłuchaj dialogu i zapisz wskazówki związane z bezpieczeństwem przy pewnych przedmiotach, miejscach.
I NEVER THOUGHT ABOUT IT, AND IT’S SO SIMPLE NARRATOR: Kitchens can be potentially dangerous environments to work in. There are electrical and gas equipment, hot surfaces, harmful substances, sharp objects and lots of staff moving around to be aware of. These all increase the chances of possible accidents. We’ve got Kate Winnie with us today. Kate is a health and safety inspector and will share some of her knowledge of safe with us. INTERVIEWER: Good morning, Kate. INSPECTOR: Good morning. INTERVIEWER: Let me just get straight to the point. What seems to be the most important guideline for work safety in the kitchen? INSPECTOR: Well, unsurprisingly, the most common accidents are of course burns and cuts. Naturally, they’re bound to happen, but we need to reduce the likelihood of such accidents as much as possible. INTERVIEWER: So what precautions need to be taken to ensure maximum safety? INSPECTOR: They’re quite simple, really. The majority of minor and major burns can be avoided by using mitts when handling hot utensils. Also, make sure the stove and the oven are always off when you’re not using them. INTERVIEWER: That’s it? INSPECTOR: Yes, that’s it. On the other hand, you can burn yourself when you slip, and you are likely to slip when some liquid is spilled on the floor. This is why you should keep the floor clean at all times. This helps a lot. And the footwear that you’re wearing, it needs to be comfortable and slip-resistant. In that way, you’ll also reduce the risk of slips and falls. INTERVIEWER: Right. What about cuts? How can cuts be prevented? INSPECTOR: The general guideline is: BE CAREFUL WHEN CUTTING ANYTHING. Never rush when you are cutting something. Make sure you are holding the produce properly. Wipe down vegetables or fruits before cutting them if they are wet. And it is absolutely crucial to keep knives sharp so that they cut through food easily and do not slip. Dull knives are dangerous because a dull blade requires more force to do the job. Then the knife can slip and you cut your hand instead of the produce. INTERVIEWER: Oh, that’s very useful information. What’s the next thing we should remember when working in the kitchen? INSPECTOR: You know the risk of fire is never far away in kitchens. It is important that all electrical and gas appliances are fully maintained. You must know how to use them. Proper ventilation is a must, too. INTERVIEWER: Is that all to remember? INSPECTOR: No, definitely not. There are many other things. Let me give you some examples. When you carry a knife, they should always be pointed down to the ground. When you want to give a knife to someone, it’s reasonable to just put it down on a table. INTERVIEWER: I never thought about it, and it’s so simple. INSPECTOR: Sometimes, you need to move hot pots in the kitchen. Always tell other people that you’re carrying a hot pot. Shout if necessary. You’ll avoid serious accidents in this way. INTERVIEWER: One last thing you’d like to add. INSPECTOR: Sure. Never ever take a hot glass dish from the oven and put it in cold water. The dish may explode and can get seriously injured. Cold and hot do not like each other. Keep them apart. Be really careful with that. INTERVIEWER: Thank you very much for all the guidelines. INSPECTOR: Thanks for inviting me. Zakupy i usługi. Ćwiczenie 2bWstaw w luki brakujące linie dialogów. Wysłuchaj nagrania i sprawdź swoje odpowiedzi.
GREAT DEALS JANE: Hey, where did you buy this dress? OLIVIA: I ordered it from JANE: [1] Didn’t you find it expensive there? OLIVIA: No, not at all. They’ve got some great deals! Crazy discounts! JANE: So how much was the dress? OLIVIA: [2] Well, I got a 46% discount on the retail price! JANE: So what was the price? OLIVIA: $59. JANE: Well, that’s not exactly a crazy deal, but the price is not too high. I will look at Byrdie today.
HOPING FOR AN EARLY DELIVERY CUSTOMER: Hello, is it SELLER: [3] Yes, how can I help you? CUSTOMER: I ordered a couple of lady’s watches and they were supposed to be delivered by 7th of this month but I haven’t received the order yet. SELLER: [4] May I know your order number please? CUSTOMER: Yes sure, it’s BB1335299. SELLER: Alright. I can see that the order is scheduled for delivery today. CUSTOMER: [5] Hmm... I was hoping for an early delivery. SELLER: I’m sorry, sir. We didn’t have any inventory of that particular model, but you will certainly get your watches tomorrow. CUSTOMER: Okay. Thank you. Zakupy i usługi. Ćwiczenie 5Przetłumacz słowa podane w nawiasach. Wysłuchaj nagrania i sprawdź swoje odpowiedzi.
A: Can we go to the [1] shopping centre/ mall tomorrow? B: Why? Do you need anything? A: Well, I’d like to go to the bookshop and to the [2] newsagent’s to buy a few books and magazines. B: Okay, but we’ll also have to buy some food for dinner. A: But I think our [3] greengrocer’s has fresher fruit and vegetables. B: I know, but it’s closed this week. Zakupy i usługi. Ćwiczenie 9Uzupełnij luki w dialogu tak, aby utworzyć spójne logicznie i gramatycznie poprawne zdania. W każdą lukę możesz wpisać jeden wyraz. Wysłuchaj dialogu i sprawdź swoje odpowiedzi.
CHANGE MONEY A: Which [1] currency are you taking on your holiday? B: American dollars. Only 200$. A: Why so? B: Well, I’ll be staying in a city where you can pay by [2] card in hotels, restaurants, museums and other institutions, so I don’t need a lot of cash. A: What about all those fees for [3] withdrawing money from ATMs or for converting Polish zloty to US dollars? B: With my bank [4] account all those procedures are free. A: Oh, that’s great! Podróżowanie i turystyka. Ćwiczenie 5Wysłuchaj nagrania i uzupełnij luki w dialogu. W każdą lukę możesz wpisać maksymalnie trzy wyrazy.
THERE’S ALMOST NO BETTER FEELING THAN FALLING ASLEEP IN A HAMMOCK A: I’d like to [1] go camping in July. Somewhere in Poland. B: Okay. But do you have any [2] equipment? A: I’ve got one tent, but it’s old, so I should probably buy a new one. B: We both have a driving license, so wouldn’t it be better to [3] rent a caravan? Then we’d have electricity, a kitchen and even a bathroom. A: Sure. Great idea! We both love nature and the outdoors. Do you think we could afford it? B: I don’t know. Why don’t we ask about the prices? A: Let’s do it. I was thinking we could try to find a [4] campsite near the mountains. I really love hiking. B: So do I, but I don’t want to spend all my holiday hiking. A: Certainly. We’ll go [5] sightseeing, too. You can select all the attractions. By the way, have you got a hammock? B: No, why? A: There’s almost no better feeling than falling asleep in a hammock. B: Are you serious? A: Yeah. Plus, you fall asleep quicker in a hammock and stay asleep longer as well. B: Okay. Let’s buy hammocks then, and [6] hit the road. Kultura. Ćwiczenie 4Dopasuj pytania do odpowiedzi. Wysłuchaj dialogu i sprawdź swoje odpowiedzi.
GIRL BEFORE A MIRROR AMY: Hey, look at this painting! It’s beautiful. Wow! It’s incredible. Who painted it? BILL: It’s a Picasso. The title is Girl before a mirror. AMY: Who was Picasso? BILL: A great Spanish painter. One of the world’s greatest. He started the Cubist movement. AMY: What’s Cubism? BILL: It used geometric shapes to show figures and objects from different perspectives. AMY: What are the great painters today? BILL: One modern painter is David Hockney. He’s considered one of the most influential British artists of the 20th century. AMY: Oh yeah! Isn’t he famous for the swimming pool paintings? BILL: That’s right, Amy. His most famous painting is A Bigger Splash. It shows a swimming pool with a big splash beside a building. AMY: Yeah! I’ve seen that painting. I think there was a chair beside the pool right? BILL: I think so. Good memory. AMY: Hey Bill! What did you like the most in Florence? BILL: There are many statues there, but I liked the Statue of David the most. AMY: Are you talking about the marble statue by Michelangelo? BILL: That’s right. We have a replica of it here in New York. AMY: You know, we visited Petra in Jordan a few years ago, before the pandemic. BILL: It’s a real wonder, isn’t it? AMY: It’s really unbelievable how something so beautiful can be created out of rock. Yes, in fact, Petra means rock. There’s some amazing architecture there. BILL: I’ve seen some pictures of it. It’s hard to imagine without actually seeing it. Kultura. Ćwiczenie 7Wstaw w luki brakujące linie dialogu. Wysłuchaj nagrania i sprawdź swoje odpowiedzi.
I’M MORE INTO NON-FICTION A: Do you know who you’d like to be in the future? B: Yes. I’d like to be a journalist. I think it’s a very interesting job. A: [1] You’d like to make interviews? B: No, not really. I’d rather have my own column in a newspaper. [2] I could write articles. A: Why don’t you become a writer? [3] Publish your own novels? B: I’m more into documentary books. [4] I don’t think I’d be a good novelist. Kultura. Ćwiczenie 8Wysłuchaj nagrania i uzupełnij luki w dialogu. W każdą lukę możesz wpisać maksymalnie dwa wyrazy.
VOD A: Do you subscribe to any [1] streaming platforms? B: Well, I do. Netflix, HBO Max and Disney Plus. A: Wow, that’s a lot. It must be quite [2] expensive. B: It [3] costs me over $200 a year. And what about you? A: I have [4] cable TV and that’s it. B: Oh. Is there still anything interesting to watch there? I think nowadays they only offer some mediocre [5] soap operas and a documentary from time to time. A: There actually are a lot of interesting [6] TV series. And some talk-shows. Plus [7] live broadcasts from award ceremonies such as the Oscars or Golden Globes. B: Oh. I didn’t know that. Sport. Ćwiczenie 6Wysłuchaj nagrania i uzupełnij luki w dialogach. W każdą lukę możesz wpisać maksymalnie dwa wyrazy.
I CAN FEEL THE ATMOSPHERE WILL BE GREAT A: Are you ready to go? We must hurry. They’re opening [1] the stadium in 20 minutes. B: I know. But the [2] match starts in one hour, so chill out. A: Okay. Who do you think will win? B: Well, the [3] hosts have two new players. International [4] stars. But our team has worked hard and is well prepared. A: Also, our opponents have richer sponsors, so they have better [5] equipment. B: And better [6] athletic support. A: Exactly. B: Well, you know, there’s always a chance. A: I know; still we should prepare for defeat. Our best-case scenario is a [7] draw. B: Anyway, I can feel that the atmosphere will be great. All tickets have been [8] sold out. So the [9] stadium will be full. A: Let’s hope there’ll be no fights between [10] rival fans, no object throwing. That ruins the fun. B: Yeah, those pseudo-fans can be horrible. And yet they’ll tell you their way of enjoying football is the authentic way. A: Terrible. Zdrowie. Ćwiczenie 4Wysłuchaj nagrania i uzupełnij luki w dialogach. W każdą lukę możesz wpisać maksymalnie trzy wyrazy.
I TOOK SOME VITAMINS, AND HOPED IT WOULD PASS PATIENT: Good morning, doctor. DOCTOR: Good morning. How can I help you? PATIENT: A week ago I started feeling [1] unwell. In the beginning, it was just [2] a sore throat and runny nose, so I thought it was just a simple cold. DOCTOR: Did you have [3] a fever? PATIENT: No. I took some vitamins, and hoped it would pass. But it didn’t. Now, I also have [4] a headache and I feel sick. DOCTOR: Let me take your temperature. (...) You also have a fever. I think it is [5] flu. PATIENT: Oh, no. DOCTOR: Here’s your prescription. Please take this [6] medicine twice a day. Until all the symptoms pass. Also, drink a lot of water and stay at home. PATIENT: Okay, thank you. And can I get [7] a sick leave? DOCTOR: Of course, I’ll give you a medical leave for four days. PATIENT: Thank you. Zdrowie. Ćwiczenie 5Wstaw fragmenty tekstu we właściwe miejsca. Wysłuchaj nagrania i sprawdź swoje odpowiedzi. Odpowiedz swoimi słowami na pytania do tekstu.
People with insomnia can’t fall asleep. Sleeplessness is a [1] b. common sleep disorder. Over time, lack of sleep can lead to health problems like diabetes, hypertension and weight gain. Chronic insomnia may cause tiredness [2] a. and problems with concentration or memory. Insomnia symptoms appear in approximately 33% to 50% of the adult population. Most adults need around seven to nine hours of sleep per night. On the other hand, the amount of sleep needed to function at your best varies between individuals. Insomnia may be caused by unhealthy lifestyle and sleep habits, problems at work, in relationships, [3] e. financial difficulties and more. More often women than men suffer from insomnia. Older people may be less likely to sleep soundly because of bodily changes related to aging. To prevent problems falling asleep or getting enough sleep, [4] d. avoid large meals, caffeine and alcohol before bed. Go to bed and get up at the same time each day, including weekends. Some people with insomnia sleep better after changing daytime and night-time behaviours. When these changes don’t help, therapy or medications [5] c. can improve your condition. Zdrowie. Ćwiczenie 7Ułóż wskazówki we właściwej kolejności. Wysłuchaj nagrania i sprawdź swoje odpowiedzi.
When you see a collapsed person, find out if he/she responds to talking or shaking of the shoulders. If the person does not wake up, shout for help or dial 112 for emergency service. Put your phone on speaker. Follow the instructions given. Check if the patient is breathing normally. Open the airways by lifting the chin upwards and tilting the head back. Check if the person’s chest is rising. If the unconscious person is breathing normally, place the person in the recovery position to ensure continuous breathing. If not, perform CPR. Zdrowie. Ćwiczenie 8Wstaw w luki brakujące linie dialogów. Jedna odpowiedź została podana dodatkowo i nie pasuje do żadnej luki. Wysłuchaj nagrania i sprawdź swoje odpowiedzi.
IT’S AN EARLY STAGE. BE OPTIMISTIC! DOCTOR: Good afternoon. [1] f. How can I help you? PATIENT: I have a tumour on my left lung. And the other doctor said it’s an early stage of lung cancer. DOCTOR: [2] a. What tests have been done so far? PATIENT: I did a few blood tests and an MRI. [3] c. Here are the results. DOCTOR: Biopsy? [4] e. Did you do it? PATIENT: Oh, yes. Of course. I forgot about that. Here it is. DOCTOR: When I look at the reports, I can tell you that for me it also looks like cancer. First stage. [5] b. But I can admit you to the hospital. And we could run a few more tests just to make sure. PATIENT: And if the diagnosis is confirmed? DOCTOR: Then we will immediately discuss the treatment and start it. [6] d. So that we can get the best possible results. It’s an early stage. Be optimistic! PATIENT: Okay, thank you. Nauka i technika. Ćwiczenie 4Wysłuchaj dialogu. Uzupełnij podane zdania. W każdej luce użyj maksymalnie trzech wyrazów.
WHAT IF AI MAKES A LOT OF PEOPLE UNEMPLOYED IN THE FUTURE? MIKE: John, what do you think of artificial intelligence? Take, for instance, facial recognition. Don’t you think it’s scary that a machine can recognize you? JOHN: No, not really, Mike. Actually, I use Face ID to open my iPhone. I think it’s usually good! In addition, facial recognition helps improve safety and security. MIKE: What if they use it to follow you everywhere you go around the city, even if you don’t carry your phone with you? What if hackers use it for identity frauds? JOHN: Well, this could always happen. You mean they could show my picture to my phone and unlock it? MIKE: For instance. JOHN: You know what? You can’t stop the development of AI. Think about the good things! It can help you write search queries, and you can write chat messages really quickly using autocomplete. It saves a lot of time and energy. MIKE: I see what you mean, but take online shopping recommendations. Actually, they are often good suggestions, and you end up buying a lot of stuff you don’t need in fact. That’s crazy. Shopping merely becomes too easy. What if AI makes a lot of people unemployed in the future? What will happen to them? If machines do different jobs for humans, what are we going to do? JOHN: I don’t know, really. We’ll probably have to change our way of life. Nauka i technika. Ćwiczenie 7Wysłuchaj nagrania i uzupełnij luki. W każdą lukę możesz wpisać maksymalnie dwa wyrazy.
A: Oh no, the battery in my phone is [1] dead. Do you have a [2] power bank? B: Unfortunately, I left mine at home today. A: What a pity! Maybe you have [3] a charger? B: I do, but is it [4] compatible with your phone? You have a different model. A: I think it is. Let me check to make sure. (…) [5] It works! B: Great. A: Can I give it back to you before the next lesson? B: Sure, no problem. A: Thank you. You see I forgot to [6] top up my phone. And I really need to call my mum and tell her that I’ll be back home late. B: Use my phone if you like. A: Thanks a lot! B: You’re welcome. Świat przyrody. Ćwiczenie 4Wstaw w luki podane fragmenty tekstu. Wysłuchaj dialogu i sprawdź swoje odpowiedzi. Odpowiedz na pytania pod dialogiem.
GARDENING GIVES ME REAL JOY AND SATISFACTION AMY: Cloe, how long have you had your garden? CLOE: Five years. AMY: Five years. It’s been your hobby for five years. Why? Isn’t it just hard work? Does it really [1] c. make you happy? CLOE: Well, speaking of happiness, scientists have discovered that the mycobacterium found in soil can improve brain functions while boosting moods. It increases serotonin produced in the brain, the ‘happy’ chemical. By getting your hands dirty, [2] d. you’re also making your brain happy! AMY: Is it true? CLOE: Of course, it is. Just look at me; [3] a. I’m always happy. But seriously, by investing time in your own garden, you can effectively help reduce the amount of C02 in the Earth’s atmosphere. AMY: How much time [4] g. do you spend gardening? CLOE: About two hours a day. Well, actually, I’d like to spend more time in my garden if I could. It has taught me a lot. AMY: What do you mean? CLOE: I know a lot more about nature. I’m more responsible. I need to look after my vegetables or they’ll die. I’ve also become more self-confident. I finally achieve gaols [5] h. and enjoy the food I’ve grown. AMY: What do you actually do? I mean what [6] e. does gardening involve? CLOE: Different things, really, depending on what kind of garden you have: planting, transplanting, watering, pruning and weeding. You also get to maintain trees, bushes and flowers. You need to be able to identify different kinds of weeds [7] f. and know how to handle them. AMY: And do you eat all those vegetables? CLOE: Yes, I do. You see, there are also social benefits of gardening. If you have a shared interest, you connect with other people. You can also exchange fruits and vegetables. AMY: Hmm, I must admit, this is all very surprising to me. CLOE: Amy, listen, gardening gives me real joy and satisfaction. It keeps me close to nature, to the plants, trees, and earth. I feel the freshness of things. While working in my garden, I see beautiful birds [8] b. and hear their sweet chirping. For some time, I forget all the worries or problems of life. Świat przyrody. Ćwiczenie 8Wysłuchaj nagrania i uzupełnij luki w dialogach. W każdą lukę możesz wpisać maksymalnie trzy wyrazy.
YES, THERE’S STILL HOPE LUCY: What do you think about this year’s biology project? BOB: I find it very interesting. I think that taking care of the [1] natural environment is something everyone should be interested in. LUCY: I agree. Especially nowadays, when we have more and more [2] pollution. BOB: Exactly. In my opinion, air pollution is the most dangerous . The quality of the air we [3] breathe has a huge impact on our [4] health, let alone all other animals. LUCY: True. If it’s bad, a lot of people will develop respiratory [5] diseases, which are very serious. BOB: It looks like those gigantic factories produce the most air pollution, but also number of cars is increasing rapidly, so you get a lot of car fumes. LUCY: Then you have the [6] population growth. There are over seven billion people on Earth. We all need to eat, and live somewhere. BOB: Yes, that’s true. Water pollution is also very dangerous. Many factories [7] dump their sewage into rivers, lakes, seas. This affects a lot of animals and plants. LUCY: What’s more, this [8] contaminated water can also seep through the ground and pollute it, too. Finally, it can also mix with the water we drink. BOB: Well, are there any reasons for optimism? It all can’t be so bad. LUCY: Actually, there are reasons for [9] optimism. People become more and more aware of the problem, and they take action. Take, for instance, Greta Thunberg. Isn’t she incredible? She inspires thousands and thousands of young people all over the world. BOB: Yeah, I know what you mean: the [10] climate strike. LUCY: Yes, there’s still hope. Państwo i społeczeństwo. Ćwiczenie 5Wstaw w luki brakujące linie dialogów. Jedna odpowiedź została podana dodatkowo i nie pasuje do żadnej luki. Wysłuchaj nagrania i sprawdź swoje odpowiedzi.
WE’RE CHOOSING MEMBERS OF THE CITY COUNCIL AND THE MAYOR A: Hi. I’m sorry you had to wait for me. B: No problem. [1] What happened? A: I wanted to cast vote in the election. [2] I thought it would take 20 minutes at the most. But the queue was so long that I had to wait almost 40 minutes. B: What kind of elections do we have today? [3] I haven’t heard about any elections. A: Are you kidding me? [4] Local elections. We’re choosing members of the city council and the mayor. B: Oh. So today is 10th of June. Now, I remember. [5] Is John Brown running for a second term? A: He’s been a mayor for two terms, so he can’t, unfortunately. B: What a pity. And how many members of the city council are we electing? A: Thirty-seven. [6] You can vote until 8 p.m. So there’s still time. B: Great. |